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Muesli Nutrition:

Muesli Nutrition:

Muesli is a high fibre-and-protein superfood containing a multitude of healthy ingredients. A single bowl of muesli bears about 300 calories, the nutritional value of muesli makes it a hearty meal.

Muesli Ingredients:

Packaged muesli is a loose mixture of oats, wheat flakes, multi-grains topped with pieces of dried fruits, nuts, seeds, etc. It may contain honey, cinnamon, quinoa, coconut, chocolate, natural fruit and other delightful flavors.

Types of Muesli

There are various types of muesli conveniently available for consumers from which they can pick as per their own health, taste & flavor preferences including protein muesli, mixed fruit muesli, fruit & nut muesli, fruit & fiber muesli, swiss-style muesli, choco delight muesli, millet muesli, turmeric & ginger muesli, honey & nuts muesli, cranberry & almond muesli and conventional crunchy classic muesli.

Best Time To Eat Muesli:

You can perhaps experiment with the meal timings and there is no set of fixed rules to decide the best time to eat muesli. It is a one-dish meal and an excellent breakfast alternative, however, you can eat muesli at lunch or dinner, considering the balanced nutritional value. Rich in fiber and proteins, Muesli keeps you full for a longer duration and boosts the energy levels.

  1. Muesli For BreakfastBreakfast should be focussed on eating adequate portions of fiber and carbohydrates as is the first meal of the day. Fresh fruits like bananas, apples, strawberries & blueberries and cereals like oats & wheat flakes make muesli a perfect delight for breakfast. You may add in some raisins or honey for giving a naturally sweet flavor to this superfood. Skimmed or almond milk can be added instead of full-cream milk to keep a check on calorie intake.
  2. Muesli For LunchWeight-watchers following a strict diet and trying to eat less, but desire to get the most out of the food they eat can consider muesli as a go-to food. Muesli is a light yummy meal option for lunch and has some essential nutrients to keep you active for the rest of the day. You can twist and tweak the ingredients to suit your needs. Make your muesli more potent by adding apples, flaxseeds, chia seeds and fresh yogurt to the bowl.
  3. Muesli For DinnerEat something that is very light in your dinner and you will never have to worry about putting on weight! Muesli is a perfect dinner alternative. Not only it is easy to digest but contains all the healthy ingredients to keep a check on nutritional intake. You can, however, add or skip the ingredients to suit your needs, taste and preference at the end of the day. Include some easy to digest fruits and low-fat milk to get the maximum out of your muesli dinner bowl.

Read More About:3 Best Times To Eat Muesli

How To Eat Muesli

This versatile cereal is enjoyed worldwide and can be consumed in multiple ways. Muesli-munchers prefer relishing it with milk, water, yogurt, salads or juices. Put in a few nuts such as walnuts, almonds or dried fruits like apricots & raisins to the bowl of muesli. You can also throw in some fresh veggies like beetroots and carrots for a delightful experience.

Muesli Benefits

Muesli is popular as a healthy food that you can eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner or evening snack. Here are a few reasons you should go ahead and favor this snack as a healthy alternative:

  1. Muesli is definitely healthier than other cereals and often has less sugar & calories in comparison to sandwiches or doughnut.
  2. Muesli is typically high in fiber and grains, both of these helps regulate the digestive tract.
  3. Not only muesli keeps a check on calories, they also keep you full for a longer time.
  4. Muesli contains oats as a key ingredient that aids in improving heart health.
  5. Muesli has a decent amount of nutrients to bridge the nutritional gaps and easier to digest too.
  6. Not only it is full of healthy ingredients, muesli tastes really good and satisfies every craving that might come up.
  7. A bowl full of muesli is a great way to incorporate protein, omega acids, vitamins and potassium in your diet.

1. Muesli For Weight Loss

A simple recipe with a handful of ingredients, muesli for weight loss is a great concept! Muesli has a right combination of protein, fiber and carbohydrates which is perfect for fitness freaks and weight watchers. Go for a bowl of Muesli with skimmed milk or yogurt and add slices of fresh fruits to enjoy a hearty breakfast without increasing your waistlines.

Muesli contains fewer calories since it is low in sugar. The sweetness in muesli arises from healthy and nutritious fresh fruits. So, you don’t add extra kilos but lose weight by consuming muesli. Also, the nutritional value of muesli is simply apt to help in shedding weight faster.

Read More About:How To Eat Muesli For Weight Loss?

2. Muesli For Diabetes

Breakfast is a substantial meal of the day, particularly when you are a diabetic patient. A healthy breakfast controls your weight and manages your blood sugar levels. Muesli for diabetes patients is a perfect low sugar breakfast alternative. Unsweetened muesli consumed with almond milk helps to control diabetes and maintain staple sugar levels.

Read More About:Is Muesli Good For Diabetics?

3. Muesli for Pregnancy

A good diet is essential for healthy & sound pregnancy having the right amount of nutrients and vitamins. In addition to main meals, snacking in between with muesli to you is a great choice since junk food is a no-no during pregnancy. Muesli, is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and protein and definitely a healthier snack.

4. Muesli for Breastfeeding

We often read so much regarding food that should be avoided by breastfeeding mothers but what about those superfoods that you really should be consuming? Rich in whole grains, oats and wheat flakes, muesli is an outstanding source of iron, a nutrient that breastfeeding mothers usually lack, resulting in lethargy and fatigue. Oats present in muesli also improve breast milk production.

5. Muesli for Cholesterol

Eating muesli reduces cholesterol and heart diseases due to the high content of soluble fiber (beta-glucan). Studies reveal that dietary fiber lowers LDL cholesterol by up to 10%. Muesli in combination with lemon juice is a favor to your heart health.

6. Muesli for Constipation

Wheat flakes and oats present in muesli are rich in fiber. This fiber content helps in improving the bowel movements and helps against constipation. Muesli is a light snack that is easy to digest and regulate the digestive tract to aid better digestion.

7. Muesli For Weight Gain

Gaining weight can be challenging and frustrating for those who are too thin. Sure, people load up on deep-fried foods and sugary drinks to gain weight but the healthier way is to eat clean and nutritious food.

You can make your own muesli for weight gain purpose by combining it with nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. Nuts and seeds are rich polyunsaturated fats that add healthy calories to your diet. If you are not keen about eating nuts & seeds, you can pack in extra calories by adding butter or full cream milk.

Read More About:Benefits Of Muesli For Weight Gain

Muesli Comparison

Muesli, cornflakes, granola and oats are all similar-looking cereals. Here’s a breakdown of what makes each of them unique:

  1. muesli vs cornflakesMuesli and cornflakes are relished by people and eating a bowl full of them can make your day power-packed. Both muesli and cornflakes can be incorporated into your regular diet. However, if you want to lose weight, eating muesli is a healthy option since it has no added sugar and contains good calories in the form of dried fruits & nuts whereas cornflakes are made up of corn, starch and sugar that might make you gain weight.
  2. muesli vs granolaMuesli and granola are often considered alike as some common ingredients like fruits, nuts, seeds and grains are present in them. While granola is roasted with sugar and oil, Muesli is on the drier side and contains raw ingredients. Muesli can be classified as a healthier version of granola. Both muesli and granola can be consumed as a healthy breakfast by mixing them with a variety of ingredients.
  3. muesli vs oatsThere is not a significant difference between muesli and oats. Both are considered as a healthy and nutritious breakfast choice. The presence of nuts in muesli provides a great source of protein, antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids. However, oats get some extra points since there is no added sugar in them. A majority of time, muesli also lacks sugar but there are some varieties of muesli that is toasted with sugar and oil, making it unhealthy when compared to oats.

Muesli Recipes

Loaded with whole grains, nuts, seeds to fruit and so much more, muesli is a wholesome meal to energize your day. If you haven’t already fallen in love with this cereal, these muesli recipes will definitely satisfy your cravings:

  1. Berries, Yogurt and MuesliThis recipe is a classic way to enjoy the combo of grains, fruit and yogurt on the go. You might like waking up to this beauty tomorrow morning!
  2. Apple, Almond and MuesliThis wholesome recipe can be enjoyed as an afternoon snack. To make it more delicious, the combo can be drizzled with chocolates.
  3. Banana, Chia Seeds and MuesliThis wonderful sugar-free combination is very easy to make, all it requires is the loose mixing these ingredients together. The addition of chia seeds into this combo adds an extra crunch as well as ups the protein content.
  4. Mango, Dates and MuesliThis simple recipe is a comforting breakfast yet very fulfilling. Creamy mangoes topped with some dates will feed you with enough protein and fiber.
  5. Strawberry, Ragi and MuesliA quick and super easy recipe, this combination is very delightful. If strawberries are not available, you can add any fruit of your taste preference.

How to make Muesli at Home?

We can’t get anything better than a big bowlful of homemade muesli. It is quick and easy to make healthy, and most of all delicious! To make muesli at home, you need a raw mix of rolled oats, flattened rice (Poha), sesame seeds, seasonal fruits, chopped nuts and milk or yogurt. You can any other ingredient of your choice to make it more chewy and crunchy.

Read More About:5 Easy Homemade Muesli Recipes For A Healthy Breakfast

Top Muesli Brands

Muesli is one of the healthiest breakfast options, primarily when you’re on the go. However, not all Muesli brands keep them wholesome and a majority of time, they are packed full of artificial flavors & roasted in oil & sugar. To ensure you are eating clean & nutritious snacks, cherry-pick the top muesli brands that are nourishing, rich in protein & fiber to satisfy sudden hunger cravings.

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